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February 01, 2011

Mark Wielaard: New GPG key. Finally created a new GPG key using gnupg. The old one was a DSA/1024 bits one and 8 years old. The new one is a RSA/2048 bits one. I will use the new one in the future to sign any release tarballs I might create. pub 2048R/57816A6A 2011-01-29 Key f...

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February 01, 2011

Andrew Hughes: [SECURITY] IcedTea6 1.7.8, 1.8.5, 1.9.5 Released!. We are pleased to announce a new set of security releases, IcedTea6 1.7.8, IcedTea6 1.8.5 and IcedTea6 1.9.5. This update contains the following security updates: The IcedTea project provides a harness to build the source code from OpenJDK6 u...

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Java Technology

February 26, 2009

Metro Webinar today (2/26 @ 11am PT)

I will be talking about Metro, its current features and its roadmap today at 11am PT.

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February 25, 2009

Java Mobility Podcast 72: Java ME SDK

Tomas Brandalik and David Pulkrabek tell about the new features in the Early Access release of the Java ME Software Developer Kit

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February 25, 2009

Borrowed Time

Filling out a JCP EC term... also: Java Today: JCP special election balloting begins, JSR 316 (EE 6) passes public review, and JavaFX keynote video from Devoxx Forum Posts: Multiple GlassFish developers on one server, webservice versioning, and depl...

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February 25, 2009

Developing SGMP Connectors using JAX-RS (Screencast)

Last week we announced the availability of version 1.1 of the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform (SGMP), formerly known as Mobile Enterprise Platform (MEP). In the previous version, a connector could only be developed using the ECBO API; in this new ver...

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February 25, 2009

GlassFish setup for 120 programmers in University of Copenhagen

Sidsel Jensen is a Sun Campus Ambassador at University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She configured GlassFish in her department to be used by 120 freshman programmers. Starting with a standard HP DL360 G5 rack server, installing Gentoo Linux, NetBeans for...

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February 25, 2009

Triangular tile map

Recall from the previous post there are only three regular polygons that can be used as tiles. Let's have a look at triangles now. Such tiles are practically not used in games because there is no direct path on the map and the game unit should be tur...

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February 24, 2009

Square tile map

Many games use graphical maps based in iterative tiles. There are only three regular polygons that can be used as tiles: triangles, squares, and hexagons. Consider the square tiling first. Such tiles are most often used in games because of their ease...

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February 24, 2009

Too Much Time On My Hands

How much catch-up does JavaFX have to do? Also: Java Today: Inside RIA looks at JavaFX, RIA Weekly interviews Josh Marinacci on JavaFX, and OpenJDK 6 now in FreeBSD ports collection Weblogs: Tile maps for games, developing MEP client applications, a...

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February 24, 2009

Sun CIO Predicts "Dramatically Different Landscape for the IT Industry" in 2009

Read an article on Forbes by Bob Worrall.

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February 24, 2009

JCP Java ME EC special election

As you may have heard there is a special election taking place NOW through March 9, 2009 for a seat on the JCP Java ME Executive Committee (EC). The special election is necessary because Intel has vacated its seat. Note that...

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