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February 01, 2011

Mark Wielaard: New GPG key. Finally created a new GPG key using gnupg. The old one was a DSA/1024 bits one and 8 years old. The new one is a RSA/2048 bits one. I will use the new one in the future to sign any release tarballs I might create. pub 2048R/57816A6A 2011-01-29 Key f...

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February 01, 2011

Andrew Hughes: [SECURITY] IcedTea6 1.7.8, 1.8.5, 1.9.5 Released!. We are pleased to announce a new set of security releases, IcedTea6 1.7.8, IcedTea6 1.8.5 and IcedTea6 1.9.5. This update contains the following security updates: The IcedTea project provides a harness to build the source code from OpenJDK6 u...

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System Admins

December 31, 1969

Tap into the Power of offers flexible access to the pay-per-use computing resources of Sun Grid Compute Utililty and its growing catalog of high-performance computing applications. You can use the platform to easily build, test and deploy your o...

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December 31, 1969

Happy 10th Anniversary, Tech Days

Tech Days, which began from a night's brainstorming among Sun employees, is now bigger and better than ever as it celebrates the 10th year of its storied history.

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December 31, 1969

NetBeans IDE Talk in Second Life

The NetBeans team is putting out an invitation for Second Life users: "please join us in Sun's Developer Playground in Second Life on Thursday, January 31 at 10am PST as Brian Leonard and David Botterill, NetBeans Technology Evangelists, discuss N...

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December 31, 1969

Tocarema Powers Up (PDF)

For its automated trading platform, startup Tocarema had an impressive list of requirements for its C/C++ toolchain. They turned to Sun Microsystems and its Sun Studio 12 software. See how they did it!

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December 31, 1969

Create Your Own OpenSolaris IPS Repository in a Weekend

Michal Pryc has created a terrific 6 part series. These presentations cover the process of building packages using Common Build Environment to sending your packages to the IPS repository.

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December 31, 1969

Getting Started with Sun Studio

For developers new to Sun Studio software, this guide provides an introduction to Sun Studio software, its features and usage.

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December 31, 1969

SDN Channel

Trying to find a broadcast you missed or would like to view again? Visit the SDN Channel for a listing of past episodes.

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December 31, 1969

Setting up memcache on Solaris

memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, intended for use in speeding up web applications. Find out how to set it up with Solaris Zones.

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December 31, 1969

Tech Days Blogs

Share the experience of being at an event, what technical information is covered, and explains how attendees are enjoying themselves.

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December 31, 1969

Ask the Experts: Developing and Deploying Java SE-Based applications on Solaris (Jan. 21-25)

Got a question about developing or deploying Java SE applications in the Solaris Operating System? Post your question during this Ask the Experts session and get answers from experts.

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