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February 01, 2011

Mark Wielaard: New GPG key. Finally created a new GPG key using gnupg. The old one was a DSA/1024 bits one and 8 years old. The new one is a RSA/2048 bits one. I will use the new one in the future to sign any release tarballs I might create. pub 2048R/57816A6A 2011-01-29 Key f...

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February 01, 2011

Andrew Hughes: [SECURITY] IcedTea6 1.7.8, 1.8.5, 1.9.5 Released!. We are pleased to announce a new set of security releases, IcedTea6 1.7.8, IcedTea6 1.8.5 and IcedTea6 1.9.5. This update contains the following security updates: The IcedTea project provides a harness to build the source code from OpenJDK6 u...

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Java Technology

February 13, 2009

Jazoon Rookie: Call for Paper extended

The success of Jazoon Rookie doesn't stop! As many European Universities have their exams by end of February, we will extend the Call for Paper deadline to 15th March 2009.

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February 13, 2009

JavaFX 1.1 released, some first impressions

Sun just made available JavaFX's first significant update, including JavaFX Mobile FCS (sort of - for developers, anyway). I did a quick check, some good news and some bad news...

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February 12, 2009

TOTD #69: GlassFish High Availability/Clustering using Sun Web Server + Load Balancer Plugin on Windows Vista

TOTD #67 shows how to configure GlassFish High Availability using Apache httpd + mod_jk on Mac OS X. Even though that's a standard and supported configuration, there are several advantages for replacing Apache httpd with Sun Web Server and mod_jk wi...

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February 12, 2009

On The Loose

JavaFX 1.1 hits the road... also: Java Today: JavaFX 1.1 launches with JavaFX Mobile, JavaFX team on JavaPosse, and OpenJDK bugzilla server goes online Featured Podcast: Java Mobility Podcast 71: Eric Klein on Java FX for Mobile Devices Weblogs: Earl...

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February 12, 2009

JavaFX Mobile 1.0 released!

   This morning, at 6 am GMT, JavaFX Mobile 1.0 was launched as part of the JavaFX SDK 1.1 release. Together with this release there were a bunch of announcements, new versions of the JavaFX tool chain and runtime, the Java...

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February 12, 2009

Installing Eclipse - some of my favorite plugins

I just reinstalled a fresh version of Eclipse onto my workstation. I switch between IDEs a fair bit, depending on what I am doing. Eclipse is great for Maven work, mainly because of the m2eclipse plugin that just keeps getting...

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February 12, 2009

JavaFX HTTP Networking and XML Parsing

Much of the interest in JavaFX has centered about the platform's GUI capabilities and tooling. But many JavaFX applications will need to be network clients, and JavaFX provides classes to help you with common network tasks. In this article, Fran...

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February 11, 2009

Java Mobility Podcast 71: Eric Klein on Java FX for Mobile Devices

Eric Klein, VP of Java Marketing, tells you just about everything you want to know about the Java FX 1.1 release that is targeting mobile devices.

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February 11, 2009


Guarded optimism for JSR 299... also: Java Today: JSR 299 approved with TODOs, overview of MSA 2, and deployment automation patterns Weblogs: Getting started with Sailfin, Sailfin templating, and Hudson as daemon Forum Posts: Garbage collector genera...

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February 11, 2009

Is programming...analysis done backward?

Ever stop to think how we do software? When analyzing the real world, people start with existing phenomena, then derive one or more models that describe it - each is an abstraction of one or more physical phenomenon. Occasionally someone starts wit...

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