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February 01, 2011

Mark Wielaard: New GPG key. Finally created a new GPG key using gnupg. The old one was a DSA/1024 bits one and 8 years old. The new one is a RSA/2048 bits one. I will use the new one in the future to sign any release tarballs I might create. pub 2048R/57816A6A 2011-01-29 Key f...

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February 01, 2011

Andrew Hughes: [SECURITY] IcedTea6 1.7.8, 1.8.5, 1.9.5 Released!. We are pleased to announce a new set of security releases, IcedTea6 1.7.8, IcedTea6 1.8.5 and IcedTea6 1.9.5. This update contains the following security updates: The IcedTea project provides a harness to build the source code from OpenJDK6 u...

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Java Technology

May 11, 2009

OpenSSO Fedlet Named Best Innovation by European Identity Conference

Well-earned honor for the lightweight service-provider implementation of SAML 2.0.

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May 11, 2009

Full JavaFX comming for Linux and Solaris

It seems these two ports are confirmed for Marina (JavaFX 1.5), like expected. Some comments on open sourcing too.

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May 11, 2009

A Note about MySQL Community Contributions

Here, I usually write about Java-related issues, like my recent posts about Java DB. However, every once in a while I point to something outside of Java, usually turning focus on some other communities and projects managed by Sun. When...

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May 10, 2009

Sneak Preview: Java Card tools for NetBeans 6.7

I've spent the last few months collaborating with the Java Card team to create Java Card plugins for NetBeans. It's not released yet, but here are some screen shots to whet your appetite.

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May 09, 2009

My demo at All4Web

All4Web has been a pretty promising prime and attendees gave us a very good feedback. For sure we will make another in future, even better.I gave a quick demo of a JavaFX application, a very simple prototypical Contact List -...

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May 08, 2009

Internet Connectivity ("What's That?") Moving to Handheld / Mobile Devices

Almost half of the participants in this past week's poll believe that five years from now handheld devices and mobile phones will be... Also: Java Today: WebSpace Server 10.1 - It's happening again!, ICEsoft Open Sources ICEpdf - Leading Jav...

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May 08, 2009

Oracle to keep on Sparc and Sun hardware development

Oracle has started giving out some official information about its strategies with Sun. Larry Ellison just told us that Oracle is committed to keep on Sparc and Sun hardware development (cited by many, e.g. Reuters). So, we can start throwing...

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May 08, 2009

EJB Almanac @Timeout

How do you deal with timeouts in your EJB?

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May 08, 2009

Building JDK bits

A story about building JDK7 on 64-bit Windows 7 desktop

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May 08, 2009

Proposed Final Draft of Servlet 3.0 now available

The proposed final draft of the Servlet 3.0 specification is now available at the JCP site . In addition to the specification, also refer to Shing Wai's blog describing in detail the ordering solution for fragments and the use of...

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