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February 01, 2011

Mark Wielaard: New GPG key. Finally created a new GPG key using gnupg. The old one was a DSA/1024 bits one and 8 years old. The new one is a RSA/2048 bits one. I will use the new one in the future to sign any release tarballs I might create. pub 2048R/57816A6A 2011-01-29 Key f...

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February 01, 2011

Andrew Hughes: [SECURITY] IcedTea6 1.7.8, 1.8.5, 1.9.5 Released!. We are pleased to announce a new set of security releases, IcedTea6 1.7.8, IcedTea6 1.8.5 and IcedTea6 1.9.5. This update contains the following security updates: The IcedTea project provides a harness to build the source code from OpenJDK6 u...

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Java Technology

June 16, 2009

OKTECH - Hungarian consulting company using GlassFish for 4 years

OKTECH is a Hungarian consuting company and one of the earliest adopters of GlassFish. They use it for their internal company related information and for external production with US business as well. Why GlassFish ? Because its "Open source, pretty ...

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June 16, 2009

University of Utah - Ported 60 applications from Weblogic to GlassFish

The University of Utah ported 60 applications from Weblogic to GlassFish and very happy with it. They like the clustering and failover capability, integrated NetBeans development environment, and are using EJBs, Java Server Faces and a slew of other...

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June 16, 2009

OPIN Systems - Financial Application using JRuby-on-Rails on GlassFish

OPIN Systems has chosen JRuby, Rails, and GlassFish for a customer-facing financial application. Why ? "Easy to setup Rails application and add more intense logic in JRuby calls" Learn more about it in this video: Thanks to Ben Leadholm for the quic...

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June 16, 2009

Fundamo: Call Banking System using Sun "all the way through", including GlassFish

Fundamo provides a mobile financial services platform using a full Sun stack - hardware, operating system, and GlassFish. They found GlassFish has more features and better support than other open source App Servers. And it's not as big as other comp...

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June 16, 2009

The Agile2009 Tools Roundup

The Agile2009 conference in Chicago, coming up in August, is shaping up to be one of the most compelling conferences of the year. I have been helping out organizing the Tools for Agility stage, and there really are some...

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June 16, 2009

Notes from Tuesday morning Semantic Technology Conference

Here are my notes from Tuesday morning at

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June 16, 2009

JSF 2.0 Refcard available

DZone just published the JSF 2.0 version of my JSF refcard. It provides updated summaries of the tags and attributes needed for JSF programming, along with a summary of the JSF expression language and a list of code snippets for common operations.

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June 16, 2009

Notes from Monday Semantic Technology Conference

Here are my notes from Monday at

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June 16, 2009

JWebPane BOF screenshots at JavaOne (2009)

Screenshots of the demos shown at BOF-3992 session presented at Thursday, June 4.

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June 16, 2009

JSR 255 (JMX API 2.0) is postponed

Here is the text of the message I recently sent to the JSR 255 Expert Group, in my capacity as Specification Lead.

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